When objects can be seen up close but distant objects appear blurred. Myopia control describes treatments used to slow myopia progression in childhood.
Your distance vision is good but you have trouble seeing close objects clearly. This is often accompanied by headaches, eye strain or tired and achy eyes.
Sometimes referred to as a lazy eye, amblyopia occurs in infancy or early childhood. Usually affecting one eye with symptoms include a wandering eye, eyes that may not appear to work together. Treatment includes eye patches, drops, glasses or contact lenses and visual...
Difficulty with reading or seeing small objects up close is a natural part of ageing, becoming more noticeable in the early to mid-40s and worsening until the age of 65. Symptoms include a need to hold reading material at arm’s length to make letters clearer, blurred...
Astigmatism is a common vision condition that causes blurred vision. It occurs when the cornea (the clear front cover of the eye) is irregularly shaped and causes blurred vision at distance and near.